Ylaziel Asoltun

...A runaway slave from Thavnair.

A half blood mercenary and assassin, efficient and deadly while graceful in her lethal dance, her melody is the singing of steel. Those who would approach her would find no words upon her lips, but eyes telling instead or a pencil dancing on paper... For now words are left only for the closest.She is a lone wolf who lets close very few. She serves her own purpose or someone else's goals as long as they are in line with her own morals.Her attitude seems cold at first glance, but the winter of hers shelters a compassionate heart.

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Age: ~26
Race and Clan: Half Raen Au Ra/Half Duskwight Elezen
Gender: Female
Hair: Snow white
Eyes: Lavender with azure limbal rings
Height: 4'7/140 cm
Build: Hourglass for shape, lean for build, wide hips.
Voice: Marcella Lentz-Pope (https://bit.ly/2MPf4kM)
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual
Marital Status: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Distinguishing Marks:
Scars, a pletora of them, elezen ears. The one under her left eye is the only one visible usually as she prefers to cover herself properly either in clothes or armor that keep most of them hidden. Iridescent small and smooth scales, shifting with colors. A really, REALLY long slender tail (5′2/175 cm) that she mastered as a tool and weapon.
Residence: Around Thanalan and Ul'dah
Occupation: Mercenary/Assassin(Not public)

Common, Thavnairian
Observing the world from a rooftop/cliff, the night sky, reading, sketching, exploring, traveling, people watching, cartography, singing... Cooking and baking, because a hearty meal goes a long way.
Loss of her loved ones. Being abandoned. Not being strong enough to protect the ones important to her. Her past catching up to her. To be a slave again. Being violated.
A small flat in the attic of the Mirage tea house in the Goblet.
Smoking Habit/Drinking
Hookah now and then. She drowns her sorrows in some rum. Trying her best not to.


Ylaziel Thel Al’Qamar was born to a Raen mother and a Duskwight father. Her father, a samurai of lowborn wanderer and Akiko, daughter of a royal guard clan. Their relationship was not approved by many but they fought against the odds. Akiko married Yukikatsu due time and as the years passed the man proved himself and joined the royal guard on his lover’s side. Their love came into fruition in the form of a small girl. Unfortunately for them, a commission for an important business trip called that meant years abroad, so they set sail to the West, but pirates raided their ship…A Thavnairian noble bought the young half blood girl from the pirates, the small thing who merely seen a summer before she became a slave. She was a curiousity the noble couldn’t give up. A Raen with pearlescent scales and elezen ears. Her young years spent as a maid being shown no compassion or mercy. A few summers past she tripped on a wrinkled carpet and poured wine on an important guest, punished by nine lashes of a whip on her bare back. After she passed out, she was tossed into a cell, left for dead. Hassan, an assassin commissioned to kill the nobles, found the dying young girl after he finished his task, then took her to his hideout. After nursing her back to health he raised her as his own.The little girl was taking on daily tasks such us cleaning and cooking but later he introduced her to the ways of the assassin, shaping her into a swift, silent and agile weapon. The small half blood proved to be full of promise, her mentor was willing to involve her in advanced masteries, such as poison and immunity to them. He gave the little girl small doses of poison, forcing her system to build up immunity and giving her another weapon she can use, an arsenal of deadly brew. Next to her daily chores, she was forced to learn about treating wounds, as it was rare, but still occurring that Hassan came back injured, the only one to rely on as little as he wanted to, the young ashen girl.She kept his bandages fresh, made sure the wounds would be cleaned and treated properly, and feeding him with nutritious meals, assuring he would be back on his feet in no time… Though her mentor was a stubborn one, leading to arguments between the two, once exploding in one of the sparring exercises. Her mentor threw a dagger at her to avoid, but she just stood there, cold, unmoving, with piercing eyes, the blade cutting her hair and leaving a scar under her left eye. She was worried about the only parent figure she had in her life, and the injuries he accumulated over the years left marks on her mentor, making him slower, quicker to be out of breath as the years passed, though he refused to acknowledge them…Yla grew into a strong, talented young woman under Hassan’s care, becoming skilled in the wielding of various weaponry, stealth, acrobatics, the art of maps and observation, she was ready to take on her first mission.What ended in a horrible failure…The source of information was corrupt and they were lured into a trap, paying a great price… Her master saved her life again but cost him his own and died days later from the injuries he suffered. Ylaziel blames herself for his death to this day.The young woman has sworn vengeance and tracked down everyone connected to the betrayal that caused Hassan’s death, but soon she had to flee to Eorzea, taking up mercenary work and starting a new life with more trials, scars and adventures to become the woman she is today…

What a spy or an investigator would find about her:

-She usually hides her features (either or) as mixed races are looked down upon by the common folk.-Showed up in the Immortal Flames’ archives about 10 summers ago.-Visited the Quicksand for Leves pretty often, so has an adventurer status, though she hasn’t done any leves for them in the last 6 summers.-She has a good reputation as a dependable bodyguard/mercenary/scout for hire in all 3 city states, though not famous.-She has been in Aleport for a few months once (about 4 summers ago), found injured in an alleyway by a Yellow jacket, her case was recorded but the investigation never led anywhere and she never talked about the assailant (since the person was her assassination target and she killed him despite the injuries she suffered. He was a slave trader, still wanted after, most likely because his crew covered up his death and replaced him, who knows?) The Maelstrom have a log of her injuries: Several broken ribs, fractured wrist, concussion, serious blunt trauma to her lower abdomen so if she would ever want children the chance of miscarriage is extremely high.-She is known in Ul'dah among the poor, the refugees and the homeless folk on the streets, helping them where she can in return they supply her with information.-She migh be known in a few taverns in the Shroud cause of a babbly merchant she saved once in a Coeurlclaw attack, taking an arrow for him (that’s the scar under her collarbone above her heart) and he was pretty enamored by the act. She was guarding his caravan en route to Gridania.-She has no criminal record in Eorzea, though if a spymaster/investigator reaches that far, she is wanted in Thavnair, a pretty high bounty on her head because she massacred a bunch of nobles and informants.

Roleplaying Hooks

Mercenary work & Espionage: Frequently she is escorting caravans from Ul’dah to Vesper Bay or Gridania, taking on body guard jobs, spywork and intrigue, a scout and map maker or perhaps... A thief if you need something retrieved.
Vigilante: Sometimes she tends to take matters into her own hands if she deems necessary. Bandits, pirates, slavers beware if your dealings involve human trafficking.
Wanderer: Yla is a wanderer, tries to stay on the move all the time to keep her mind busy and not stay at the same place for too long so she ‘wouldn’t be found.’
Treasure Hunter: It’s a rarer thing, but she needs to make ends meet sometimes so delving into ruins for relics and artifacts for sheer coin or use is always on the table.
Hardships & Charity: About nine years ago, the raen spent quite some time amongst the refugees from Ala Mhigo on the streets of Ul’dah before her adventuring career began. She is well known amongst them and goes back to them quite often to help them out and they help her out with information. She used to disguise herself as a young boy for a while to keep a low profile.
Thavnairian Criminal:That’s something that should be discussed beforehand. She is a wanted criminal across the Isle of Thavnair. She killed at least two dozen people over a couple of nights, though her name is unknown there.
The Mirage:She helps out in a tea and hookah house found in the Goblet as barkeep/waitress. Mayheps someone has seen her or got served by her there.
Healer:Yla, due to her past is quite talented with herbs and ointments, as well as treating wounds. She can use conjuration as well after studying for a few months in the Gridanian Guild, but usually that’s a last resort or because of an unusual circumstance. It exhausts her greatly. But… If she finds you injured, you can bet on that she will outstubborn you and treats your wounds.
Strange Aether:She keeps it well hidden, but depending on her mood, her aether can be felt by those who are sensitive to it. It shifts between Ice and Darkness, it’s strong and abundant. She got way better at it's control and use, opening a wide array of abilities like shaping and materializing weapons, creatures from her shadows.

OOC Information

Hey there!I'm a Final Fantasy fan from Hungary just stepping into her thirties.I have been playing XIV for about nine years now and been roleplaying since i was fourteen.I really enjoy both the PvE and the RP aspects of the game.I started roleplaying on FFXIV about eight years ago and i love building stories with others, developing Yla through hardships, happiness, adventure and accompany her journey with writing, screenshots and art.My RP preferences are mostly dark, mature themes, occasional slice of life. I love romance when it comes my way. I won't shy away from any themes really, just ask me, throw ideas at me! Communication is key!I prefer to adhere to the lore. We have a game with really really wide boundaries which allows for a lot of colorful and varied characters and stories, i don't see a reason to lorebend too much, but slight is fine.I love to discuss plots, headcanons, it's good to have a foundation to start building up from and develop on the way.I won't RP with individuals under the age of 18.

Art & Screenshots

Art made by and belongs to me, FINAL FANTASY XIV belongs to Square Enix.